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Kyoto University Design School Collaboration Symposium Part2
"Global Change begins here now: social innovators challenge towards collaborative society"




日時: 2016年8月2日(火)13:00~15:30
場所: 京都リサーチパーク4号館地下バズホール

13:00~13:10 Opening Talk
石田 亨 氏 (京都大学大学院情報学研究科 教授)

13:10~13:50 基調講演
「The Intersection of Design and the Social Sector」
 Adam Reineck 氏 (IDEO.org デザインディレクター・共同責任者)

14:00~15:30 パネルディスカッション

Short Talk
 齊藤 義明 氏(野村総合研究所 NRI未来創発センター2030 年研究室室長)

 嘉村 兼修 氏(特定非営利活動法人 場とつながりラボhome’s vi 代表理事)

Discussion スピーカー全員

定員: 150名(定員に達し次第締切)

参加費: 無料

申込締切: 2016年7月25日(月)

詳細・申込: http://designinnovation.jp/topics/2016/06/krpweek.html

主催: デザインイノベーションコンソーシアム / 京都リサーチパーク株式会社
協力: 京都大学デザイン学大学院連携プログラム

京都リサーチパーク(株) 産学公連携部 山口 
Email: san-gaku[at]krp.co.jp([at]を@に変えてください)


“Global Change begins here now: social innovators challenge towards collaborative society”

The world is said to be making a transition from advanced market economy to advanced collaborative society. Moreover, this in fact seems to be the only way that eases international tension caused by a scramble of resources, and head toward a sustainable world. In this symposium, we welcome the lecturers from business creation leader Nomura Research Institute, IDEO.ORG a non-profit organization which has derived from the global design firm, and home’s via non-profit organization working in the region to learn the activities of social innovators striving hard in many parts of the world and outlook for the collaborative society.

*Simultaneous translation available*

Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Time: 13:00 – 15:30
Symposium Venue: Kyoto Research Park, 4th Bldg. B1, BUZZ Hall

Organizer: Design Innovation Consortium, Kyoto Research Park
Sponsorship: Collaborative Graduate Program in Design, Kyoto University

– Opening Talk Toru Ishida, Kyoto University, Professor

– Keynote Speech Adam Reineck, IDEO. org, Design Director + Co-Lead
 ”The Intersection of Design and the Social Sector”

– Short Talk Yoshiaki Saito, Nomura Research Inst., General Manager
 ”Networking of 100 Japanese Social Innovators, and challenging Regional Innovation.”

– Short Talk Kenshu Kamura, NPO home’s vi, Chairman
 ”A sign of social innovation – from strangers, young people and weak people”

– Discussion All speakers
Website (Japanese):


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