Date: March 14, 2018 (Wednesday)
Place: Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University (No.3 on the map)
Online Registration Deadline: February 13, 2018
Admission: Free
Co-organized by:
Collaborative Graduate Program in Design, Kyoto University
Design Innovation Consortium
Co-hosted by:
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University*
General Chair: Takushi Sogo (Associate Professor, Unit of Design, Kyoto University)
Student Session Organizers:
Ryunosuke Oka (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University)
Yudai Kishimoto (Dept of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)
Takayuki Hirose (Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
Yohei Kiyoyama (Dept of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
Naoto Yamaguchi (Dept of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
idskyoto-2018[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
Program (Updated on January 9):
Wednesday, March 14
12:30-13:00 Registration
13:00-14:15 Opening Remarks
Invited Talk
14:15-15:15 Panel Discussion: Skills for Designing Future Society
15:30-17:00 Design School Student Session
(17:10-18:30 Collocated event: Students Research Exchange Workshop in Design)
*This event is not open to the public.
18:30-20:00 Banquet
“Skills for Designing Future Society”
Our cities and the societies living in and around them face immense challenges arising from the growth of population, urbanization, globalization, climate change, ageing, resource scarcity, technology shifts, cultural diversity and conflict. Universities, their research communities and partners in industry and society can play a vital role in addressing these challenges.
Kyoto University Design School (Collaborative Graduate Program in Design) is working with the well-known worldwide design institutes and schools on the development of cutting-edge educational resources that address the design-related approaches and methodologies leading to sustainability and resilience of the artifact systems and the society.
Five years have passed since the Kyoto University Design School started. In the previous symposia, we discussed international standardization of design education in order to establish the studies of design. Nearly a hundred students have studied under the Collaborative Graduate Program in Design, and we will have the first graduates from the program next spring in 2018.
In IDS Kyoto 2018, both of the faculty members and the students of the Design School will participate in the discussion over the topics listed below:
・What are the “skills for designing future society”?
・How are they developed?
・What kind of effect will they have on our activities as a doctoral student or a specialist after graduation?