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Design Visions

"Designing Homework to Achieve Better Learning Outcomes in Compulsory Education"

講師:Natalia Suárez Fernández (Assistant Professor, The University of Oviedo, Spain)

場所:教育学研究科本館 2階 216号室 


世話人:Emmanuel Manalo(京都大学大学院 教育学研究科・教授)


       Emmanuel Manalo(京都大学大学院 教育学研究科・教授)

リンク:教育学専攻 教育認知心理学講座

Nowadays, homework is a debated issue in Spain. Parents, teachers and students have different opinions regarding homework tasks and their usefulness is being disputed. Homework is a tradition in students’ and teachers’ lives. Most students have to do homework everyday and sometimes we do not know if students’ involvement – the quantity of tasks students do, the time they spend on homework, and how they manage that time – is related to their results on academic achievement. Besides, not only students are involved in homework. Parents and teachers also participate in the process and their attitudes and involvement could determine how students do their homework and their academic outcomes. The questions we have tried to answer in recent years are: Is homework useful? What is its relationship with academic achievement in compulsory education? What changes should we implement in the homework design and completion process? We have conducted different studies with Spanish and Portuguese populations to better understand student, teacher and parent variables involved in homework.


Design VisionsAt the Graduate School of Education, on June 30, 2017, we invited Dr Natalia Suárez Fernández to give a lecture on her research findings about homework. Dr Suárez is an Asssitant Professor at the Department of Psychology of the University of Oviedo in Spain. For over 5 years, she has been working with a multinational research team on investigating various aspects of homework assignments and the promotion of self-regulated learning in compulsory education contexts. Based on some of their key research findings, the lecture she presented identified some crucial teacher- and parent-factors that could make homework more facilitative of academic achievement.
Dr Suárez lecture was held from 17:00-18:00. Prior to her lecture, however, she held an informal discussion session with graduate students (16:30-17:00), covering a wide range of issues including the similarities and differences in education systems in Spain, Japan, and a few other countries. The graduate students who participated in this session were also able to explain some of the reasons why they were interested in the topic of homework and in finding out more about Dr Suárez’ research findings.
Dr Suárez’ lecture went very well. The key conclusions she drew at the end were as follows:
• Doing homework is beneficial for academic achievement.
• Quality – rather than quantity – of time spent on homework is what matters.
• Time management of homework is one of the most important variables that link to academic achievement.
• Teachers must provide feedback if they assign homework.
• Parental involvement is beneficial depending on execution.
Dr Suárez discussed with the audience the practical implications of these conclusions.
An informal meeting was held after Dr Suarez’ lecture to explore connections between her research themes and those of some of the graduate students who attended the lecture. The aim of the informal meeting was to facilitate opportunities for graduate students to interact with an international researcher who has common/similar themes in research. Dr Suarez’ interest in homework and self-regulated learning overlaps with a number of students’ research interest – particularly those investigating various aspects of teaching and learning strategies. It is important for our graduate students to develop communication and interpersonal skills that would enable them to discuss their research in less formal contexts and to develop international networks and collaborations.
