場所:京都リサーチパーク 9号館506
“Hack U at 京都大学 2013” was the first Hackathon held at Kyoto University, co-organized and largely supported by Yahoo! Japan.
In this one-week event, 17 participating students from various fields worked together in 5 teams to imagine and implement creative novel applications using soft- and hardware. The Yahoo! Hack U event is the University version of the established Yahoo! Hack Day, a “Hackathon” event, held twice a year at Yahoo! Japan. Hacking has a broad meaning. It is the fun to be creative, the investigation of problems, the development of innovative solutions, the understanding of background and available resources, and the demonstration of results.The concept is a fun and motivating event that combines many benefits for the participants, such as the development of hard (system design and development, Yahoo! API usage) and soft skills (discussion, presentation, interdisciplinary team work), and a platform to realize a novel achievement.The time schedule of the event could be flexibly decided, where we went for a one week implementation considering availability of Kyoto University organizers, Yahoo! staff, and students ability to dedicate maximum efforts. In that time the participants were guided and worked together in teams to realize some novel creative technical development that covered software and applied hardware. Regarding our subjective impressions and the objective questionnaire results, the event was a success that should be continuously offered.
Visit the following webpage for a more detailed description of the event (jp):
「Hack U at 京都大学 2013」 は,Yahoo! Japanと共同開催した京大最初のハッカソンイベントです.
「Yahoo! Hack U」は,「Yahoo! Hack Day」の大学バージョンであり,限られた時間,限られたリソースで,創造的なソフトウェアまたはハードウェアを作り出すイベントです.ハードウェアのスキル,ソフトウェアのスキル,情報学以外のスキル,さまざまなスキルを合わせて,新しいサービスを作り出します.
この「Hack U at 京都大学 2013」では,1週間,自由な時間に開発し,京都大学の実施者,Yahoo! Japanのスタッフと共同しながら,開発を行いました.