
Program for Leading Graduate Schools
“Collaborative Graduate Program in Design”
– Kyoto University Design School starts in April 2013!

~京都大学デザインスクールを2013年 4月にオープン!~

Kyoto University will launch a five-year PhD leading program, Collaborative Graduate Program in Design, in April 2013, with the aim of fostering PhD students capable of designing social systems and architectures through cooperation with specialists from various fields. Based on Kyoto University’s tradition of researching in depth the essence of things from various perspectives, the program will seek to cultivate talented individuals through proactive collaboration of people from diverse backgrounds and academic disciplines.


This Leading Graduate School initiative is taking shape through the Design Innovation Center, which was established at Kyoto Research Park as a hub of collaboration-based education—including industry-academia-government , international, and interuniversity collaboration—for Kyoto University’s Yoshida, Katsura and Uji campuses, and the Kyoto City University of Arts. The center is managed through an industry-academia-government partnership, and makes its Field-/Problem-based Learning and Leading Projects open to society. The whole range of program activities open to the public has been named the “Kyoto University Design School,” which serves as a beacon to the world of our commitment to engage with society in leading education and research in design.


Background ⁄ 背景

Global society is seeking solutions for complex problems regarding global warming, disasters, energy, food, and population. In this leading program, we propose a Collaborative Graduate Program in Design to develop specialists capable of designing social systems and architectures in collaboration with experts from various fields. To achieve this goal, we will apply basic research in informatics and engineering to create a novel methodology of design for solving the pressing complex problems in global society. With this methodology, our experts in the Cyber (informatics, etc.) and Physical (engineering, etc.) fields will—with the collaboration of experts in management, psychology, and the arts—foster the skills needed for problem identification and solution. In short, by teaching design as a common language between different fields, we will nurture specialists who are capable of changing our society. We call such experts “+ shaped people,” meaning outstanding professionals who can collaborate with others beyond the boundaries of their areas of expertise, in contrast with “T-shaped people,” who are generalists. The goal of this program is to cultivate + shaped human resources.

国際社会は今、温暖化、災害、エネルギー、食糧、人口など複合的な問題の解決を求めています。そこで本プログラムでは、異なる分野の専門家と協働して「社会のシステムやアーキテクチャ」をデザインできる博士人材を育成します。またそのために、情報学や工学の基礎研究を結集し、複雑化する問題を解決するための、新たなデザイン方法論を構築します。これによって、Cyber(情報学など)とPhysical(工学など)の専門家が、経営学、心理学、芸術系の専門家と協働して、問題の発見と解決が行えるよう教育を行います。要するに専門家の共通言語として「デザイン学」を教育し、社会を変革する専門家を育成します。こうした人材を、ジェネラリストを意味する「T字型人材(T Shaped People)」と対比させ、専門領域を超えて協働できる突出した専門家という意味を込めて「十字型人材(+Shaped People)」と呼び、本プログラムにより養成すべき人材像とします。

In the last decade, new fields of design have been increasingly established in Japan as specialized areas of various disciplines, such as Mechanical System Design and Environmental Design. In contrast, we provide a doctoral program in general design that avoids focusing on a specific discipline. We collaborate with other universities that share this vision-including overseas institutions -such as Stanford University, Harvard University, Michigan University, Aalto University, the University of London, and Tsinghua University—as part of our unrelenting efforts to explore opportunities to create new realms of design.


Features ⁄ 特徴

(1)A three-tiered system for establishing new fields of design and cultivating human resources through industry-academia collaboration

The establishment of new realms of design requires a focused faculty and the formulation of a wide range of activities. To serve this need, we have organized our program into three tiers (see Figure 1).


Figure 1  Organization of Collaborative Graduate School in Design(1)デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの位置づけ
Figure 1  Organization of Collaborative Graduate School in Design(2)デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの連携体制

Figure 1 Organization of Collaborative Graduate School in Design
図1 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの組織構成

First, the “Kyoto University Collaborative Graduate Program in Design” (Informatics, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, and Management) is the core of the education and research system for the five-year course in design. Twenty faculty members from the Graduate School of Informatics, the Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Education, and the Graduate School of Management will take part in the program on behalf of eleven departments. Moreover, the system of education and research is strengthened by the involvement of the Graduate School of Fine Arts of Kyoto City University of Arts, which oversees the arts side of the program. The second tier is the “Kyoto University Design School,” which pursues collaborative work with various disciplines associated with design (including disaster management, agriculture, nursing science, and medical science) and covers the entire range of program activities. The third tier, “Kyoto University Design Innovation Consortium” will be established as an assembly of design entities for supporting this leading program.


(2)A design curriculum for solving social problems

In order to shape talented students into future leaders, the program offers coursework for fostering holistic views and a doctoral research program for training creativity (see Figure 2).


Figure 2  Curriculum of the Collaborative Graduate School in Design

The program has the following features:

  1. Comprehensive course design consisting of two types of courses: general design courses that integrate informatics, mechanical engineering, architecture, management, and psychology; and domain design courses (major and minor)
  2. Ample opportunities for exchange of students through Overseas Research Internships (on an individual basis) supported by an international network of collaboration
  3. The introduction of Field Internships (on a team basis) as a new endeavor to exploit the power of field education
  4. Field-based Learning (FBL) and Problem-based Learning (PBL) by student teams that transcend the boundaries of expertise
  5. Academia-industry (-government-public-citizen) collaboration based at the Design Innovation Center, which includes a Future Center (open innovation facilities)
  6. Doctoral research in leading projects dealing with real-world problems under the supervision of multidisciplinary advisory committee

Figure 2 Curriculum of the Collaborative Graduate School in Design
図2 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムのカリキュラム

図1 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの組織構成(1)デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの位置づけ
図1 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの組織構成(2)デザイン学大学院連携プログラムの連携体制

Figure 2 Curriculum of the Collaborative Graduate School in Design
図2 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムのカリキュラム

First, the “Kyoto University Collaborative Graduate Program in Design” (Informatics, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, and Management) is the core of the education and research system for the five-year course in design. Twenty faculty members from the Graduate School of Informatics, the Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Education, and the Graduate School of Management will take part in the program on behalf of eleven departments. Moreover, the system of education and research is strengthened by the involvement of the Graduate School of Fine Arts of Kyoto City University of Arts, which oversees the arts side of the program. The second tier is the “Kyoto University Design School,” which pursues collaborative work with various disciplines associated with design (including disaster management, agriculture, nursing science, and medical science) and covers the entire range of program activities. The third tier, “Kyoto University Design Innovation Consortium” will be established as an assembly of design entities for supporting this leading program.


(2)A design curriculum for solving social problems

In order to shape talented students into future leaders, the program offers coursework for fostering holistic views and a doctoral research program for training creativity (see Figure 2).


図2 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムのカリキュラム


  1. 情報学、機械工学、建築学、経営学、心理学を結集したデザイン学共通科目と、デザイン学領域科目(主領域・副領域)から成る網羅的な科目設計。
  2. 国際連携ネットワークに支えられた海外インターンシップ(個人単位)による豊かな学生交流。
  3. 「現場の教育力」を活用するフィールドインターンシップ(グループ単位)の新たな導入。
  4. 専門領域を超えた学生チームによる問題発見型学習(FBL)と問題解決型学習(PBL)。
  5. フューチャーセンター(オープンイノベーション機能)を有するデザインイノベーション拠点をハブとした産学(官公民)連携。
  6. 社会の実問題を扱うリーディングプロジェクトの中での、複数アドバイザ制度に基づく博士研究。

Figure 2 The Curriculum of Collaborative Graduate School in Design
図2 デザイン学大学院連携プログラムのカリキュラム

The coursework is designed to cultivate a holistic view and consists of general design courses and domain design courses (major) for the master’s program, and domain design courses (minor) and overseas and field internships for the doctoral program. The general design courses are: 1. Abstract Design Theory—which allows students to discuss what design is; 2. General Design Theory—which explores the basis of cross-disciplinary design, including design of artifacts, markets, organizations, communities, and information; and 3. General Design Method—which covers tools that support cross-disciplinary design, such as ethnography, data analysis, modeling, and simulation. The domain design courses consist of five specialized disciplines: informatics, mechanical engineering, architecture, management, and psychology. These subjects may be taken as minor studies. The Overseas Research internships and Field Internships are aimed at developing international and practical skills and cultivating a holistic view. The field internships, which are a new endeavor to exploit the power of field education, send teams of students from various specialties to work together in the field for several months.


The graduate degree research portion of the program cultivates creativity and is conducted in the following three stages: 1. Field-based Learning and Problem-based Learning (FBL/PBL) in the master’s course, 2. Open Innovation Practice, and 3. Leading Projects as doctoral research in the doctoral course. In the master’s course, students take two types of research courses: FBL for identifying problems in society and PBL for solving problems. Half of the training topics are real-world problems that faculty members are researching, such as dissemination of renewable energy and redesign of urban areas, while the other half are challenges raised by companies, local governments, non-governmental organizations, or communities. The students, acting as a team of emerging specialists, endeavor to resolve these problems based on collaboration with the individuals or groups that raised them. In the second stage, students undergo Open Innovation Practice with various professionals, with their role shifting from being members of a team of emerging specialists to being facilitators who manage a team of professionals. In the third stage, the students take part in the industry-academia-government leading projects as doctoral research, under the supervision of multidisciplinary advisory committee.

独創性を育てる学位研究は、博士前期課程における問題発見型/解決型学習(FBL/PBL)、博士課程後期におけるオープンイノベーション実習、博士研究を行うリーディングプロジェクトという3段階の実践教育の中で行います。まず博士前期課程で、実社会に内在する課題を抽出する問題発見型学習(FBL: Field-Based Learning)と、実社会の問題に対して解を見出す問題解決型学習(PBL: Problem-Based Learning)を実施します。演習テーマの約半数は、教員が取り組む実問題を実習化したもので、『再生可能エネルギーの普及』や『都市エリアのデザイン』など本格的なものです。他の半数は、企業、自治体などから持ち込まれる実問題を演習化したもので、学生はテーマ提供者の協力を得て、「専門家の卵」として課題に取り組みます。その後、学生は、多様な専門家と共にオープンイノベーション実習を体験します。ここでの学生の役割は、専門家の卵ではなく、専門家チームをマネジメントをする「ファシリテータ」です。さらに博士研究を、産学官のリーディングプロジェクトに参加し、複数のアドバイザの指導(複数アドバイザ制度)の下で行います。

(3) Design Innovation Center for industry-academia-government collaboration

We established the Design Innovation Center at Kyoto Research Park as a base for carrying out practices and projects of the leading program, and as a centrally located hub for Kyoto University’s three campuses (Yoshida, Katsura, and Uji) and the Kyoto City University of Arts (see Figure 3). The center is also open to students and faculty members from our exchange partner universities, so that it can serve as an environment where people of diverse nationalities -inspire one another toward intellectual advancement. We have also created a collaborative campus system that links the center with Kyoto University’s three campuses and the Kyoto City University of Arts in order to enable students to remotely attend lectures and to support the implementation of geographically distributed collaborative projects.



Figure 3 Design Innovation Center
図3 デザインイノベーション拠点

The FBL and PBL courses, in which students build teams to solve challenges, are also open to business-people and art students. The leading projects (joint research laboratories, academia-industry-government-public-citizen projects, and emerging projects), which tackle challenging real-world problems and form the basis of doctoral research, are conducted at the Design Innovation Center. We will also open a Future Center at the Design Innovation Center as a bridge between industry’s problems and academic research. Each real-world problem brought to the Future Center for resolution will be tackled by professional team formed for open innovation, with trained students acting as facilitators.
The creation of new models of industry-academia-government collaboration is a prerequisite for cultivating human resources who can lead society -with their in-depth expertise and ability to cooperate with others. Through our program, we seek to develop new models that are rooted in Japanese culture and tradition, using the Design Innovation Center as the core of industry-academia-government collaboration.
