プログラム履修者募集日程等 (日本語)
We will start accepting application for Regular Course and third-year enrollment of the Design School.
Please check the following guidelines and application forms for details.
Application Period: April 8 (Mon) – 22 (Mon) 5:00 p.m., 2019
Application Schedules etc. (English)
募集要項・願書/ Application Guidelines and Application Forms
募集要項および願書(日本語)/ Application Guidelines and forms (English)
様式1 願書/ Form1 Application
様式2 志望調書/ Form2 Statement of Purpose
The forms below are required for the applicants for the 3rd-year enrollment.
様式3 博士課程教育リーディングプログラム編入希望調書/ Form3 The Leading Graduate Program Transfer Request Form
様式4 プログラム3年次編入推薦書 /Form4 Letter of Recommendation for Third-year Enrollment