The program spans five years in order to foster a high level of expertise and a holistic perspective. However, a limited number of qualified students who have advanced to or transferred into the doctoral programs of the graduate school departments listed below may be admitted to this program in the third year, which represents the first year of doctoral-level studies (these students are hereafter referred to as “third-year entry students”). Recruitment for third-year enrollment is held in April of the academic year in which the students will be admitted, and in October for students who advanced to or transferred into an applicable doctoral program in that month.
After enrollment, all third-year entry students are required to take the doctoral courses specified by the program’s curriculum. After enrollment, students will be required to take the Qualifying Exam(QE).
Admission Requirements
All applicants must fulfill both of the following requirements.
1. Possess a sense of purpose consistent with the program’s Degree Policy.
2. Have clearly defined thinking, aspirations, and desires regarding this program.
Eligibility to Apply for 3rd year enrollment
Application is limited to students who advanced to or transferred into a doctoral program in the following graduate school departments (as of Oct 2015)
Graduate School of Education: Division of Educational Studies
Graduate School of Engineering:
Dept. of Architect and Architectural Engineering/
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Science/ Dept. of Micro Engineering/ Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Graduate School of Informatics:
Dept. of Intelligence Science and Technology/ Dept. of Social Informatics/ Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Physics/ Dept. of Systems Science/ Dept. of Communications and Computer Engineering
References: past application forms
平成27年度 / 2015-2016 academic year
募集要項 / Application Guidelines
願書1 / Application forms 1
願書2 / Application forms 2
1. プログラムのディプロマポリシーに合致する目的意識を持つと認められる者であること。
2. デザイン学大学院連携プログラムに対する自分の考え方、抱負や希望が明確であること。
工学研究科 :建築学専攻、機械理工学専攻、マイクロエンジニアリング専攻、航空宇宙工学専攻
平成27年度 / 2015-2016 academic year
募集要項 / Application Guidelines
願書1 / Application forms 1
願書2 / Application forms 2