Japanese | English
Theme Descriptions

24 Computer Programming for All Children,
Think Critically and Creatively
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This theme discusses critically, from various viewpoints, the issue of ‘making computer programming compulsory in the elementary school curriculum’ as planned by the Japanese government. It develops a vision to be achieved, and tries to find creative solution(s) to the issues involved.

Name Organization Specialty
Hajime Kita ILAS, Kyoto University System Engineering
Ian Piumarta Colleage of Information Science and Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University
Computer Science
Kim Rose Viewpoints Research Institute Media Development, Cognitive Science

As part of its strategy for growth, the Japanese government is disucussing the introduction of computer programming as a compulsory subject in the elementary school curriculum. Computer programming is already compulsory in the middle school curriculum, but the way it is taught has several problems such as ability of teachers in programming and content actually taught. This theme will consider, critically and creatively, the issue of ‘Computer programming for all children’. That is, what is the vision for society and for children's learning? What policies do we need to implement to attain this vision? What should experts, such as computer scientists and educators, do for it? What can we learn from the experiences of pioneers such as Seymour Papert, Alan Kay, and Mitchel Resnick?

Educational Goals

Through critical and creative discussion on the issue of ‘making computer programming compulsory in the elementary school curriculum,’ participants will experience systematic thinking including various viewpoints of stakeholders, and problems in implementing the policy.

Design Theory and Design Methods
[Design theory]

Kita will explain the national curriculum of schools, and the actual situation of informatics education in schools. Kim Rose will talk about her experiences in math and science education using Squeak Etoys and other software.
 Ian Piumarta will talk about his experiences learning computer programming as a child and then teaching others the skills involved, including the most essential skills of creative, critical, and algorithmic thinking.

[Design methods]

Introspection, reflection, research, brainstorming, prototyping.

[1st Day: September 7, 2016]
  • Posing of the problem by Kita, lecture talks by Kim Rose and Ian Piumarta, and research of related information.
Afternoon(1): Lunch ~ Coffee Break
  • Hands-on experience of several programming environments for children.
Afternoon(2):Coffee Break ~ Afternoon
  • Through brainstorming examine the problem from viewpoints of various stakeholders.
  • Propose “Computer Programming for All Chidren” as a future vision.
[2nd Day: September 8, 2016]
  • Discuss possible approaches to realize the proposed vision.
Afternoon(1): Lunch ~ Coffee Break
  • Discuss possible approaches to realize the proposed vision, and prototype important parts of the proposal.
Afternoon(2):Coffee Break ~ Afternoon
  • Prototyping of important parts of the proposal.
[3rd Day: September 9, 2016]
The followings are common to all the themes, and English is just translation for you.
  • Prepare for presentation (KRP)
  • Present workshop results (KRP)