場所:京都大学 教育学部本館1F 第一会議室
7月に来日されるフランチェスカ・ハッペ教授(Prof. Francesca Happé, King’s College London, UK)の講演会を開催いたしますのでご参加ください【入場自由・予約不要】。
講演者:Prof. Francesca Happé
(MRC Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry Centre Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology &
Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK)
講演題目:Developmental effects of ‘mind-blindness’ in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Many of the social and communication difficulties that define autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be well understood as reflecting impairment in theory of mind or ‘mentalising’. For example, delays or deficits in attributing mental states would make it hard to comprehend deception, keep secrets, track others’ pretend play, and interpret irony. There have been numerous studies assessing the ability of people with ASD, and other conditions, to attribute mental states to others. While debates continue concerning the primacy, universality and specificity of ‘mind-blindness’ in ASD, the theory of mind account has been useful in both practice and research. The notion of mind-blindness has helped teachers and parents understand otherwise puzzling behaviour, suggested new interventions and educational approaches, and made possible functional neuroimaging investigations of the brain basis of typical and atypical mentalising. However, beyond these ‘on-line’ effects, the downstream consequences of deficits or delays in mentalising have attracted less attention. This talk presents on-going and past research on the developmental effects of mind-blindness in ASD, including impact on measured intelligence, language, and self-awareness. Mentalising can be seen as a gatekeeper, opening the way to skills and knowledge acquired through social osmosis. Importantly, gatekeepers also keep things out; I will suggest that mentalising is obligatory in neurotypical (non-autistic) people, and that mind-blindness in ASD may also carry some benefits.
企画:子安 増生(京都大学大学院教育学研究科 教授)・
米田 英嗣(京都大学白眉センター 特定准教授)
司会:米田 英嗣
問合わせ先:komeda.hidetsugu.5w[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp (米田)
キングスカレッジロンドン精神医学研究所のMRC社会・遺伝・発達精神医学センターのセンター長フランチェスカ・ハッペ教授は,発達心理学,認知神経科学を専門として、特に自閉スペクトラム症の研究における世界的権威である。今回の講演では,「自閉スペクトラム症におけるマインドブラインドネスの発達的影響」(“Developmental effects of ‘mind-blindness’ in autism spectrum disorder”)というテーマで、自閉スペクトラム症を持つ児童および成人の心の理論,共感性,社会的認知に焦点を当て,心理実験とfMRIなどの脳科学実験に基づく研究成果とともに,教育および療育的な介入のデザインに向けての示唆についてお話をいただいた。